Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Jumping on my treadmill

So I did an hour on my treadmill today. Almost three miles. My legs are tingling. Had an egg and two slices whole wheat toast for breakfast. A tuna wrap for lunch. Cherry tomatoes and almonds for one snack. A cheese and cracker for the other. Came home and had a granola bar before I went on the treadmill. Haven't had dinner yet got home late and went straight to the treadmill. I hate working.

Some people think that maybe I'm trying to do too much at one time... New marriage, full time school (online), training at work to move into management, trying to lose weight, saving to buy our first home...

LMAO! Doesn't sound like too much to me! What do you think?

I also have my period. TMI? Well sorry. But I'm bloated, miserable and emotional. I cried for over an hour this morning, because (again, this might be TMI) but I messed up my sheets.

Sometimes, things get a little overwhelming... but I know that I need to do it. I'm going to do a quiz for one of my classes, while my hubster cooks dinner. :-) He's a good dude, a huge help. Remind me of that when I start bitching about him next time he gets on my nerves.


  1. Hey thanks for checking out my blog...
    Girl 1st off you can do this!! it takes time...but its all in your mind. Just don't give will want to quit and say fuck it all but don't. Blog everyday so you can be held accountable...that’s a start. it helped me

  2. Thanks! LOL! I needed to hear that.

  3. Hello Beautiful Blogger,

    Hmmm, when I think back on the happier times in my life it was when I was doing more than I should. I loved having somewhere to go and do every second of the day. It was exhilirating. I would wake up at 7 and get back at 11 or 12. I usually stayed at Starbucks til they kicked me out. It's a great way to get to where you want to be in life. Don't give up!

    Also, what kind of treadmill are you using? I'm just curious, I used to work at a treadmill shop and treadmills still interest me a great deal.


  4. Hey John,

    I just sold my treadmill. I'm moving and it's too big for my new little apartment. It was a Proforma 500 or something like that. I know have to take my fat ass to the gym and I'm really not excited about that. But thanks for checking out my blog. I'm hoping to really get back into it, so please keep looking out.
